Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to take pictures of puppies | Photo tips |Jessica Lloyd Photography

Yesterday's post brought up a request for how to take pictures of a puppy.  Well, since I've got rather limited experience with puppies, I thought I'd just give you the little bit of info I did pick up when I took dog pictures and add a few links for you to go read up.

First I recommend that you use a fast shutter speed.  If you are shooting in automatic, then the best way to insure that you are using a fast shutter speed is to take the pictures in really well lit space.

Second, have someone stand behind you to draw the animals attention.  They should be holding a treat or a favorite toy that can be used to reward the dog when it behaves the way you want it.

Remember puppies and babies/toddlers are really similar and you can use just about any trick you would use on a toddler on a puppy.  Have someone hold the puppy, follow the puppy and snap pics as you can and hope for a good one, distract them with treats/toys/funny noises.

Here are a few links to web articles by people who know more about this than I do.
Puppy Photo Tips
More Puppy Photo Tips
And one more

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